Mobile Phones: Page 5


The Secrets to Leveraging the Insatiable Consumer Appetite for Mobile Coupons

Coupons have been popular for generations but mobile devices have taken this venerable marketing tactic into an entirely new realm.

Business News

Analyst: Amazon's Fire Phone Simply 'Not Compelling Enough'

Making less of an impact than Amazon hoped, the company dropped the price of the Fire Phone from $199 to 99 cents.


Closer to a Comeback? BlackBerry Says It's Ready to Hire Again.

Fresh off closing a very dark chapter in its history -- and winning major government security clearance -- the once-iconic 'CrackBerry'' claws its way back.

Business News

Amazon Unveils Its Fire Phone

The online retailer expands further into mobile with its first phone, complete with a 3-D interface and a media-recognizing feature called Firefly.

Business News

Amazon Is Being a Big Tease About Its 3-D Smartphone, May Reveal It June 18

It's like nothing we've ever seen before! Wait, we've never seen it.

Science & Technology

The Threat Lurking in Bringing Your Own Device to Work

With the versatility offered by mobile devices comes the risk of cyber theft. Here are five strategies for employers to reduce their exposure.


4 Ways to Stop People From Using Their Phones During Meetings

Because face-to-face meetings are for actually facing other people -- not for texting, checking emails and taking calls on your smartphone.

Money & Finance

Disposable Phone Numbers Are So Hot Right Now

The venture capital money came pouring in for Burner, a mobile app that doles out disposable phone numbers for calling and texting.


How Much Can Your Phone's Metadata Reveal About You? Too Much.

Researchers were surprised by the amount of personal information they were able to discover about a person based solely on the numbers he or she called.


Franchise Players: This Franchisee Caught the Business Bug in High School

Molly Martin has known since sophomore year of high school that she wanted to be an entrepreneur. Here's how made it happen as a Wireless Zone franchisee.

Science & Technology

Time for a Talk: Don't Let Your Phone Be a Selfish Boyfriend (or Girlfriend)

Trying to keep up with technology is like trying to earn love from a person who doesn't know how to love.

Science & Technology

Why Some Smart Business Moguls Still Use 'Dumb Phones'

Forget about the latest iPhone or Samsung device. The Nokia 6310, discontinued more than six years ago, is the phone of the elite.


Was the Ban on Cell Phones in Flight Ever Necessary? Nope.

Regulators never had any data to suggest that cell phone use in flight was in any way a danger to passengers.

Science & Technology

Surge in Mobile Banking Creates a Security Gap That's a 'Wild West' for Fraudsters

More consumers are using their smartphones or tablets for online banking, which could raise security risks.

Science & Technology

Commitment Phobe? Wireless Carriers Let Customers Upgrade Mobile Devices After One Year

AT&T and T-Mobile roll out new plans to encourage customers to upgrade their smartphones and tablets more frequently.