Mothers: Page 3

Women Entrepreneur®

How Women Entrepreneurs Can Stay Fit Despite a Busy Schedule

Between multitasking at work and managing family at home, it can seem impossible for many women entrepreneurs to find time to exercise


How Start-ups are Helping Parents Raise their Babies

From selling baby products online to building communities of mothers, start-ups are at the aid of parents

Growth Strategies

How Can Companies Foster a Culture of Gender Diversity at Workplace?

Gender diversity in the workplace is a pertinent issue across the world, more so in India, where women are slowly holding leadership positions.

Starting a Business

How Setting up a Start-up is Like Giving Birth to a Baby

To prepare for the welcoming of your own creation, crafting a business plan draws parallel with the checklists parents prepare to welcome their newborn


Saluting Mom-entrepreneurs, #4 Challenges They Face As A mother And An Entrepreneur

Share your joys and insecurities from work with your children, if you want them to understand why they aren't getting much time from you

Thought Leaders

What 17 Entrepreneurs Learned From Their Mothers

From kindness to focus, our mothers can instill values in us that help us reach success.

Growth Strategies

"Women Often Struggle with the Need to Be Excellent in Multi-tasking"

My gender is an identity that I have been given from a social platform. In a professional platform, I am equal.

Business News

Robot Babies Do Not Curb Teen Pregnancy

It turns out giving a teen a robot baby for two days does not deter them from getting pregnant.

Growth Strategies

Why Tutoring Can be a Solid Source of Additional Income

Pursuing a full time career is not everyone's cup of tea!

News and Trends

Now Working Women Can Have A Happy Motherhood

Rajya Sabha passes the much-awaited amendment to Maternity Benefit Act.

Growth Strategies

How This Working Mom Figured Out The Future of Parenting

With the rise of these "Uber for X" companies, it's clear that parents across the country will soon have these options.


How To Balance Worklife As A Mompreneur

The only way I know to be truly satisfied with the work-life balance I need is to ensure that I love what I do.

Thought Leaders

Entrepreneurs Get to Take Maternity Leave, Too.

Time spent preparing to be away from the office -- including learning to delegate -- changed one new mom's perspective on everything business.

Celebrity Entrepreneurs

From Elon Musk to Richard Branson: What These 5 Entrepreneurial Leaders Learned From Their Mothers

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, so it's not surprising to find out that these remarkable entrepreneurs come from remarkable moms.


5 Lessons On Entrepreneurship I Learnt From My Mother

What we as entrepreneurs can learn from our mothers - the real super women in our lives.