News: Page 3

Business News

Consumer Confidence in the United States Falls, Reveals Recent Survey

A leading analytics and survey provider has recorded a slump in United States consumer confidence. The Conference Board, a reputable source, has released information showing a decline in its consumer...

Business News

World Bank issues a warning oil could hit $100 a barrel mark

The World Bank has stated that oil prices could surge to $100 a barrel due to rising tensions in the Middle East. The news comes as the Israeli government has...

Business News

Ireland records $750m in tax revenue amid Brexit windfall reports

The emerald isle has significantly benefited from Brexit, recording over €700m ($750) in tax revenues. With its long-standing reputation as a thriving hub for global tech and digital companies, including...

Business News

Regulation Crowdfunding and the State of Angel Investing to be discussed by SEC

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is set to discuss Regulation Crowdfunding (Reg CF) and the State of Angel Investing. The SEC’s Small Business Capital Formation Advisory Committee will host...

Business News

xAI owned by Elon Musk close to raising $6 billion

Artificial intelligence (AI) startup xAI, owned by billionaire Elon Musk, is close to reaching $6 billion in investor support. Musk has been outspoken about his aims to win the war...

Business News

Southwest Airlines makes big operational changes after 2024 financial report.

Southwest Airlines, one of the leading consumer aviation brands in the United States, has been in the spotlight for a series of operational adjustments, all prompted by the findings of...

Business News

Registered funds industry report published by SEC

The Securities and Exchange Commission has published the new Registered Fund Statistics report. The report provides the American public with insight and transparency into the $26 trillion industry of more...

Business News

SEC To Host Second Annual Conference on Emerging Trends in Asset Management

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is setting out its stall to host the second annual Emerging Trends in Asset Management conference. The government regulator’s Division of Investment Management will...

Business News

Johnson & Johnson acquisitions hit close to $15bn

April witnessed a flurry of high-profile acquisitions by Johnson & Johnson, the healthcare behemoth. These strategic moves, amounting to nearly $15 bn, spanned across the medical care and consumer healthcare...

Business News

Tesla cuts global prices after week of crisis

Electric automotive manufacturer Tesla has cut prices of its vehicles globally after a historic week of lows. The car company, owned by Elon Musk, has not only cut prices domestically...

Business News

Paramount stock prices soar as Sony joint buyout edges closer

Paramount, the globally recognized name in film and TV, watched stock prices rise as Apollo Global Management and Sony Entertainment buyout moved closer. The stock jumped as much as 15%...

Business News

Man Faces $70M Medicare Fraud Scheme Charges

A Mississippi man has been charged with multiple offenses relating to $70 million Medicare fraud by the Justice Department. An indictment was unsealed in Tampa last week for Joel Rufus...

Business News

United Airlines records $200m hit from Boeing grounding

United Airlines’ First-Quarter 2024 Financial Results show the impact of the Boeing 737 MAX 9 grounding. The financial report is a stark look at the way the commercial aviation provider...

Business News

SEC hits investment advisors for violation of marketing rules

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has cracked down on five registered investment advisers. The SEC imposed fines on five entities for violating marketing rules in what would be the...

Business News

Stubhub looks ahead to the summer for initial public offering

Stubhub is looking to the summer to float the idea of an initial public offering (IPO) to the tune of $16.5bn. The digital ticketing service has been working with banking...