NFT: Page 8

Cryptocurrency / Blockchain

The EU's Stance on NFTs can Pave the Way for Europe to Become a Thriving Web3 Hub

While there are still concerns surrounding the EU's accommodation of NFTs, 2022 has already seen a flurry of activity throughout the continent as nations seek to accommodate the technology.


NFT's: ¿un mercado en auge o en caída?

Los expertos opinan sobre el rumbo de este mercado con valor de $11,300 millones de dólares.

News and Trends

Indian Speedster Prasidh Krishna Partners With Rario To Launch His Cricket NFTs

Rario announced Indian ODI team's right arm pacer Prasidh Krishna's exclusive partnership with the platform to launch his own non-fungible tokens (NFTs).


Odyssey, es el programa de lealtad de Starbucks usando NFT's

Con el objetivo de crear una nueva comunidad, la empresa de venta de café entrará a la tecnología Web3 con el programa Odyssey.

Science & Technology

The Emergence of Europe's Leading NFT Hubs Points to a Continent Readying up for Web3

In embracing the non-fungible token technology, Europe may soon establish itself as market leader in this brave new world.

Cryptocurrency / Blockchain

A Modern Marketer's Guide to NFT Adoption and Branding

NFTs will be foundational to metaverse and web 3.0 economies alike and should be part of every marketers toolkit.

Business News

Snoop Dogg and Eminem Performed in the Metaverse at the 2022 VMAs—and the Reactions Were Mixed: Watch the Video Here

Eminem and Snoop Dogg are both fans of NFTs and metaverse technology.

Science & Technology

Venture Capitalists are Pouring Money into Web3. Here's Why.

Venture capital firms invested $33 billion in crypto and blockchain startups in 2021 and are on pace to nearly double that in 2022. Here's why VCs are so enamored by Web3.

Cryptocurrency / Blockchain

How to Buy Real Estate in the Metaverse

Who would have thought the day would come when the average person could own land next to their favorite celebrity with just a few clicks of a button from the comfort of their own home? The metaverse has made that a reality.


Shooting For The Moon: Carl Runefelt, Founder, The Moon Group

"We strive to identify and invest in founders that are building game-changing business models in the blockchain sector, and we look to support fast-executing, technical teams that positively impact the crypto space and build the decentralized web."

Data & Recovery

If You Have No Clue What Web3 Is, You're Not Alone. Here's a Breakdown of the Future of the Internet.

Hype or not, Web3 is on the horizon, and it's critical for entrepreneurs and small business owners to know what to be on the lookout for.


Colombia tendrá la primera discoteca NFT con una inversión de $2 millones de dólares

El espacio tendrá cuatro niveles, 2,100 metros cuadrados, jardines y una terraza con vista a la ciudad y aforo de 2,200 personas.


Sector inmobiliario en el metaverso, una industria para seguir de cerca

Como cualquier industria, los bienes inmobiliarios en el metaverso tienen ciertas características que debes conocer bien antes de explorar ese nuevo mundo que se plantea.


Are Investors Realizing Web3.0 Potential?

The advent of Web3.0 has opened up potential investment spaces for the investors as the internet becomes 'decentralized'