Nonprofits: Page 7

Business News

Uber's Nonprofit Ride-Sharing Pilot Program in China Shifts Into High Gear

'People's Uber,' the company's pilot program that connects car owners with passengers, is expanding its presence in China.

Growing a Business

3 Lessons for Every Business From an Olympian

The drive to do something worthwhile is the most important motive an entrepreneur can have.


How These Brilliant Digital Billboards Are Delivering a Hair-Raising Message

The viral campaign -- and a reimagined successor in the name of charity -- illustrate the kind of marketing magic that occurs when technology and humanity intersect.

Money & Finance

Kickstarter Co-Founder's Next Chapter: A Nonprofit Discovery Platform

Perry Chen has been working with a team of volunteers every Monday night for the last year to come up with an organization that helps people discover and support nonprofits for $1 a day.

Growing a Business

6 Ways to Do Well by Doing Good

Being a leader nowadays is more than just turning in profits and attracting great talent.

Starting a Business

Meet the Incubator Shattering the Left/Right Brain Divide

New Inc believes in mixing art and business.

Business Ideas

Habitat for Humanity, MasterCard Building 'Work-Live' Spaces for Low-Income Business Owners

Launched as a pilot program in Flint, Mich., the duplex structures aim to drive economic growth and revitalize beleaguered communities.

Growing a Business

Why the Right Board of Directors is Critical to Your Nonprofit's Success

Having a board of directors is required for all non-profits. Here's how to create one that will help your non-profit flourish.

Growing a Business

The Tool Your Nonprofit Needs the Most

After your nonprofit is up and running, a strategic plan will help you keep it in business and moving forward.

Starting a Business

8 Steps to Take Before Opening the Doors of Your Nonprofit

Before you can start the hard word of raising money for your mission, there are a few things you need to put in place to help guarantee your nonprofit's success.


6 Fundraising Success Strategies For Your Nonprofit

Explore these six ways to generate money from individuals and groups in order to make your non-profit organization a success.

Growing a Business

Your Nonprofit Needs These 5 Types of Donors

You've got to bring in the money if you want to achieve your mission. Here are five financial sources you should consider.


Attention Nonprofits: 5 Secrets to Attract Donors

For nonprofits, fundraising isn't just about the 'ask.'

Money & Finance

How This Theater Fills Its Empty Seats Every Night

The Center Theatre Group in Los Angeles took a chance on Goldstar, a primary ticket seller, and watched its annual revenue increase by a cool million dollars.


How This CEO Combined a For-Profit and Nonprofit and Made Both Better For It

Saundra Pelletier is the CEO of both the international nonprofit WomanCare Global and the for-profit biotech firm Evofem. Bringing these two, distinct teams together under one umbrella involved some unexpected challenges.