Patents: Page 3

Science & Technology

More Patent Trolls Are Targeting Startups. Here's What You Can Do.

As an entrepreneur, you could be a potential target for patent trolls. But there is something you can do about it.


5 Under-the-Radar Legal Developments Entrepreneurs Need to Know

The rewriting of the federal tax code was from the only change relevant to entrepreneurs.


Why Startups Need to File Patent at An Early Stage

Venture Capitalists favour big investments in startups that have already filed the patents

Starting a Business

5 Things an IP Attorney Will Make You Do Before You Launch a Crowdfunding Campaign

Evaluating patent risk is serious business -- and the single most important reason for retaining an experienced patent attorney.

Starting a Business

Using Your Intellectual Property to Escape the 9-to-5

Here's how to make sure your idea isn't stolen, corrupted or plagiarized by every Tom, Dick and Sally.

Starting a Business

If Your Startup Really Is Disruptive, Expect to be Sued By a Patent Troll.

Legacy companies that have neglected to innovate often instead compete by filing costly IP lawsuits potential competitors struggle to afford.

Business News

Amazon Delivery Drones May Scan Your Home and Suggest Repairs

A new patent describes how Amazon's drones will scan your home while delivering packages to see if anything needs fixing.

Business News

Amazon Patents Tech to Block In-Store Comparison Shopping

If you visit an Amazon Store, don't expect to be able to compare prices using your smartphone. Amazon's patent describes blocking such checks and sending a sales rep over to see you.

Thought Leaders

What Should You Do About Copycat Competitors?

When someone's just replicated your product, what you should do first is get on the phone and show 'em whom they're messing with.

Business News

How Small-Business Owners Can Patent a Great Idea

Instead of letting another party run away with your great ideas and make a fortune, you need to protect your ideas from the get-go.

Business News

Amazon Awarded Patent for Parachute Shipping Label

It's a shipping label with a built-in parachute enabling packages to be dropped from a drone in flight.

Business News

Nokia and Apple Are Exploring Health Tech Partnership Following Their Patent Fight

The companies have ended their patent fight and said they're planning to explore 'future collaboration in digital health initiatives.'


5 Lessons About Partnership Learned Watching the Uber-Waymo Meltdown

Shared vision brings partners together. No longer seeing things the same way drives them apart.

Business News

Apple Patent Describes Dumb Laptop Powered by iPhone

Could the future of the MacBook be as an accessory device requiring an iPhone or iPad to function?

Growing a Business

3 Approaches to Get Your Patent Application Moving Much Faster

Got a great idea? Expediting it through the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office may cut the chances that it will be copied or stolen.