PR strategy

Growing a Business

6 Things Every Brand Should Understand About PR

Public relations is an important part of business success, but brands don't always know what they're looking for. Here's what your publicist won't tell you about PR.


5 Ways to Get Ahead of Your Competition by Making a Lasting Impression on Your Clients

No matter what kind of entrepreneur you are, no matter what kind of business you have, there are likely lots (and lots) of others who do the same thing you do. That's why it's so important to differentiate yourself from your competition in any and all ways that you can.

Real Estate

How PR Can Build Trust and Credibility for Real Estate Brands

Follow these insights and actionable tips for leveraging PR to enhance the reputation and visibility of your real estate brands.


How to Make PR Campaigns Customer-Focused Instead of Company-Focused

The 21st century has seen a shift away from the company that's "selling" and toward the consumer that's "buying." Business practices, like PR campaigns, have had to transition in kind to stay relevant in the current culture and to resonate with the public.

Small Business Guide

Why AI-Forward Communication is the Future of Public Relations

Embracing AIFC is not merely an option for PR professionals — it is imperative for those seeking to lead in an increasingly complex and dynamic media landscape.

Growing a Business

7 Proven Strategies to Rehabilitate Your Shattered Online Image

Rehabilitating a shattered online image is more than just fixing things — it's about taking back control over your story. You need to face the harsh reality, make a heartfelt apology, dive into online spaces, find lessons in tough times, rewrite your story sincerely, spread positivity online — and embrace change.


5 PR Tips Any Company Can Use to Get Media Coverage

You went into business to make an impact — here's how to get visibility for your work, so you can benefit more people.


4 Trends That Are Defining the New Era of PR

PR agencies that embrace these four changes will lead the way in the future.

Operations & Logistics

5 Innovative PR Strategies to Boost Your Brand in 2024

Let this year be where your brand's story becomes not just told but celebrated.


Do You Need a PR or Marketing Professional? Here's the Difference

Public relations and marketing go hand in hand and complement each other to achieve a similar end goal.

Operations & Logistics

Should You Hire a PR Firm or a Boutique PR Firm? (And What's the Difference?)

There's little argument that PR efforts are vital, if not downright necessary, to the success of present-day entrepreneurship. But many businesses still debate the merits of taking on an outside agency, and even once they're convinced, what type of firm should they hire: specialist or generalist?

Operations & Logistics

Does PR Actually Help Increase Sales? Yes — Just Do It Right and Be Patient

The value of PR extends beyond immediate numbers, emphasizing long-term brand reputation and loyalty, which ultimately contribute to sustained business success.


How Modern Technology is Rewriting the Rules of Marketing

Over the past decade, we've witnessed a whirlwind of transformative changes that have redefined the very essence of digital marketing.

Social Media

How Your Social Media Presence Impacts the Success of Your PR Efforts

With platforms undergoing constant changes, what's the best way for brands to navigate the social media chaos to maximize their PR efforts?