Brian-Damien Morgan

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Business News

GameStop stocks take a hammering despite pandemic-era personality’s praise

GameStop, the videogame and console retailer, witnessed a huge plunge in stock price despite a vocal pandemic-era viral supporter attempting to rally investors. The person known as “Roaring Kitty” or...

Business News

Uncertainty looms over Paramount as a billion-dollar deal hangs in the balance

Paramount, a globally recognized film and television brand, is battling a rocky patch with a billion-dollar deal hanging in the balance. During the media giant's board elections, current majority shareholder...

Business News

New York Attorney General Letitia James takes aim at crypto exchange in $1bn case

New York Attorney General Letitia James takes aim at NovaTechFx and AWS Mining in $1bn case. The court case brings charges against NovaTechFx (NovaTech), its founders Cynthia and Eddy Petion,...

Business News

Former CEO of Sustainable Fuel Company sentenced for $20m embezzlement

The founder and former CEO of Sustainable Fuel Company, Alder Fuels, has been sentenced for embezzlement and investor fraud. Bryan Sherbacow, 55, of South Carolina and Washington, D.C., received his...

Business News

$2.25 billion Bayer chemical verdict reduced to $400 million by Judge

Judge Susan Schulman granted a reduced penalty to Bayer from $2.25 billion to $400 million in an ongoing court case. A Pennsylvania man, who took on the chemical giant in...

Business News

Global whiskey market to make $37.53 billion across the next 4 years according to report

American-made whiskey is leading a surge in the global market for amber nectar. Global whiskey market trends estimate a $37.53 billion surge over the next four years. The much-loved spirit...

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