Deanna Ritchie

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Business News

5 Ways to Build Sustainable Wealth Into the Future

Those who want to seize control of their financial destiny don’t point to inflation or economic setbacks and make excuses. They seek the knowledge and tools to overcome obstacles and...

Business News

The Fundamental Must-Haves for Your Fabulously Frugal Home

Can you create a stylish, welcoming home on a budget? Although furnishing a house in the U.S. real estate market can cost anywhere from $10,000 to $60,000, it is possible....

Business News

How Product Iteration and Innovation Is Key for a Financially Successful App

Coca-Cola created its famous beverage recipe in 1886, and it has remained nearly unchanged for over 135 years. This consistency is the antithesis of modern app development. It doesn’t matter...

Business News

16 Strategies to Simplify Your Financial Planning and Save Money on Advisory Fees

Financial advisors offer invaluable guidance. Their fees can, however, eat into your hard-earned savings. Typically, financial advisors charge between 0.25% and 1% of assets managed. However, fees vary according to...

Business News

Strategies to Live Cheaply and Thrive

Fewer than half of all Americans are “very satisfied” with how life is going in their personal lives, for just the third time in two decades, according to Gallup. Here’s...

Business News

12 End-of-Year Teacher Gifts to Wow An Amazing Teacher

We’re coming to the end of another school year. But if you want to start your summer vacation right, tell the teachers who helped shape your scholars’ minds and shaped...

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