Jeff Rose

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Business News

From financial planner to online millionaire

The world of entrepreneurship is often a winding road filled with trials, tribulations, and valuable lessons. This is the story of a financial planner who became a multi-millionaire in his...

Business News

Navigating life’s peaks and valleys

Life is a journey, a rollercoaster ride filled with a myriad of experiences, emotions, and events. It takes us through high peaks of joy and deep valleys of despair. This...

Business News

Deciphering 401k and Indexed Universal Life Insurance

The financial world is a vast landscape teeming with a multitude of investment options. Each one comes with unique advantages and disadvantages, making navigating challenging. Two such options often emerge...

Business News

Exploring self-affirmation for personal growth

One topic that often surfaces in the world of personal development is the power of self-affirmation. This concept centered around the idea that positive self-talk can significantly influence our mindset,...

Business News

Deciphering the truth about online earning

In our increasingly digital world, the appeal of making money online has never been stronger. The internet is awash with tales of young entrepreneurs who boast about earning staggering sums...

Business News

Embracing change: overcoming fear for growth

Change is a constant, an inevitable part of life that we cannot control. Yet, many of us fear it. This fear often stems from the unknown, the uncertainty that change...

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