
Startup Costs: Under $2,000
Home Based: Can be operated from home.
Part Time: Can be operated part-time.
Franchises Available? Yes
Online Operation? Yes

Manufacturing bookends? Why not? They fall into the category of a great gift for someone who has everything. And best of all, the business can be set in motion for less than $500 and operated right from home. One of the key elements for this manufacturing venture to take off and fly will be your ability to design and create very unique and different bookends. One idea may be to capitalize on the ever-increasing environmentally friendly theme and manufacture all the bookends out of recycled materials. If this route is chosen, be sure to include the fact that your products are manufactured from recycled materials in all packaging and promotional material, as this can be utilized as a fantastic marketing tool. The finished product can be sold through retail stores, such as gift shops, bookstores and the internet.

Bookends Ideas

Custom Airbrushing

Combine your artistic and business sides with a custom airbrushing company.

Costume Rentals

Dress up your business with a costume rental shop.

Custom Picture Frames

Capture golden moments making custom picture frames.

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