Day Care Center

Startup Costs: $10,000 - $50,000
Home Based: Can be operated from home.
Part Time: Can be operated part-time.
Franchises Available? No
Online Operation? No

The escalating cost of living has made child day care a booming industry simply because many families require two full-time incomes to make ends meet. Day-care facilities can be homebased, operated from a storefront or office location, or in conjunction with an established business or office complex. Investment budget, business objectives and demand will likely dictate what is the best operating location for you. In the United States and Canada, day-care facilities as well as child-care staff must obtain proper licensing and certification to meet minimum operating requirements. Because every state and province has its own individual licensing requirements, you will need to contact your regional municipal offices to make inquires, or contact the associations listed on the next page to inquire about certification and licensing requirements in your area. Once your center is open, you will find that the problem is not finding kids to fill your facility, but having to turn down parents daily because you are at your limit. Word-of-mouth advertising is generally all that is required for marketing in this industry.

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