Medical Braces

Startup Costs: $10,000 - $50,000
Home Based: Can be operated from home.
Part Time: Can be operated part-time.
Franchises Available? Yes
Online Operation? Yes

There are literally hundreds of types of medical braces used for hundreds of different medical conditions; everything from braces for a bad back to knee braces for sports injuries. There are thousands of manufacturers of medical braces worldwide, so securing a wholesale source for the products should not be difficult. The braces can be sold to consumers in a few different ways, including establishing a sales kiosk in a mall or close to a hospital or medical center, selling the braces online and advertising the braces in specialty publications for mail-order sales. Medical braces are specialized products, so maintaining markups of 100 percent is justified.

Medical Braces Ideas

Vitamin Sales

The current focus on health and anti-aging products makes it the perfect time to capitalize on this market.


If you're a dietitian, going out on your own offers endless possibilities and potentially increased income.

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The disabled will be grateful that they don't have to leave their homes to make purchases.

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