Professional Emcee

Startup Costs: $50,000 - $100,000
Home Based: Can be operated from home.
Part Time: Can be operated part-time.
Franchises Available? Yes
Online Operation? Yes

Do you possess good communications skills and a knack for public speaking? If so, your skills are in high demand from corporations and organizations from around the globe as a professional emcee. Professional emcees are often hired to host an event, open a seminar series, or act as the master of ceremonies for events ranging from charity auctions to general annual meetings for large corporations. A freelance professional emcee service is a terrific business to operate on a part-time basis to supplement business or employment income. Professional emcees can earn as much as $500 for each event they emcee.

Professional Emcee Ideas

Party Tent Rentals

Help people prepare for perfect parties


If you have a way with words and like being in front of a crowd, try being an auctioneer.

In-Store Demonstration Service

Do you know how to hold a crowd's attention? Create in-store demonstrations.

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