
Making a Change

How to Prepare Your Kids For Their Future Through Valuable Business Lessons

As a father of triplets, I understand firsthand the desire to prepare my kids for an ever-changing professional landscape. But where do you start? If you're looking for a few actionable ways to get your kids involved in business, consider trying some of these tips.


I Promoted My CMO to CPO. Here are 4 Unexpected Benefits That Came Out of It

Why it might be a good idea to have a Chief People Officer with a marketing background.

Franchise 500 Annual Ranking

I Was a Franchisee And Now I'm a Franchisor. Here's My Parting Advice to New Franchisees.

Step one: Ask yourself what kind of lifestyle you want.

Starting a Business

I Wish I Knew These Four Things Before Starting My Own Business

Starting a business is hard work to say the least. These are four lessons I wish someone had shared with me before going solo, so I'm here to share them with you.

Thought Leaders

8 Business and Life Lessons I Would Give to My Younger Self

Here are a few valuable lessons I would teach my younger self, gleaned from both successes and missed opportunities.


How Entrepreneurs Can Harness the Power of Stoicism to Build Resilience and Thrive in the Business World

Here's how the ancient philosophy of Stoicism can benefit modern entrepreneurs.

Starting a Business

4 Common Mistakes That Will Spell Doom Your Ecommerce Business

It's hard to spot a success story before it happens, yet it's easy to tell if a business will struggle. With that in mind, here are the four most common mistakes people make that you should avoid when starting an ecommerce business.

Starting a Business

I Wish I Received This Advice as a Young Entrepreneur

Starting your own business is one of entrepreneurs' most challenging experiences. But, with the proper guidance, it can be among the most rewarding. Here's advice I wish I'd received when I was starting out.


Time Flies (When You're Learning On The Fly)

Having reported on entrepreneurship in the MENA for a decade, Entrepreneur Middle East Editor in Chief Aby Sam Thomas shares 10 things he's learned about this domain- and the people in it.

Growing a Business

The Top 2 Mistakes Founders Make That Hinder the Growth of Their Companies

Here are two of the biggest ways founders sabotage their own success — and how to fix it.

Health & Wellness

How Taking Up Boxing Transformed My Outlook on Entrepreneurship

Few things have taught me more about entrepreneurship than getting into boxing. Here are the three most important lessons I've learned from my time in the ring.


10 Leadership Lessons From Successful CEOs — An Insightful Guide for the Ambitious Entrepreneur

Valuable lessons you can learn from successful CEOs like Steve Jobs, Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk.


5 Vital Lessons I Learned By Taking a Mini Break From the Entrepreneurship Grind

Like you, I have big goals for my company and know that getting lost in the minutiae won't get me there. Taking time away for personal and professional development ensures that you remember to look up.


How to Drive Success in 2024 — 3 Leadership Lessons from the Founder of International Business

Any business faces its highs and lows, and often, it is how you navigate through adversity that determines the viability of your venture. Here are some insights on navigating your company through harsh waters without drowning.