Thought Leaders - Page 3

Tap into advice and insights from some of the business world's foremost thought leaders, and find out what it takes to join them.

Business News

How Google CEO Sundar Pichai Shook Up His Leadership Team for the AI Era

Pichai now has 18 direct reports, according to an internal org chart.


You Might Think You're a Great Leader — But Do Your Employees Agree? Here's How to Harness Empathy to Drive Team Success

True empathy is the mixture of unfiltered honesty with a deep understanding of an individual's narrative.


The Role and Responsibilities of a Franchisee, Defined

The Yin to the Franchisor's Yang, franchisees are essential to the functionality of the business model.

Side Hustle

How to Turn Your Hobby Into a Successful Business

A hobby, interest or charity project can turn into a money-making business if you know the right steps to take.

More Posts on Thought Leaders

Starting a Business

Are You Ready For Entrepreneurship? Here's How to Break Free of the Corporate Grind to Pursue Your Passion

Before you quit your 9-5, evaluate these myths vs realities of being an entrepreneur.

Thought Leaders

Life After Addiction with Tim Stoddart: How He Went From Rock Bottom to Launching a 7-Figure Business

He shares his story of growing up in Philly, getting sober, and how writing in secret exploded into a career.


How to Harness the Power of Authentic Storytelling to Become a More Effective and Inspiring Leader

Storytelling enhances business leadership by inspiring a culture of authenticity and trust through sharing relevant personal stories.


From Rejection to Redirection — 4 Ways to Handle Every 'No' You Face With Resilience and Grit

It may take a mindshift, but unwanted detours can be used as signposts on the road to success.

Business Culture

Avoid These 4 Blunders When Creating a Company Culture

To get a complete picture of whether your brand's atmosphere needs work, observe factors like absenteeism, participation, and body language.


The Five Must-Have Traits for Franchise Success

To determine if franchising is right for you, start by considering whether you possess any of these 5 key personality traits.


Why We Need to Create Brands That Align Our Purpose, Personality and Practice

Now more than ever — because consumers find an irrational amount of meaning in the brands they trust — awakened brands have the ability to change the world.


7 Tips for Empowering Mothers in the Workplace

Moms make up an important and large segment of the workforce, yet too often have been overlooked in the development of company culture. In this article, we explore seven ways that companies can empower mothers in the workplace, through the lens of my own experience as a mom and CEO.

Growing a Business

How Small Businesses Can Master a Complex Labor Market

Navigating today's labor market is a high-stakes game for small businesses as they compete to attract top talent. Here are a few strategies for small businesses to consider as they build and strengthen their teams.