Career - Page 9

It's time to take control of your career. From freelancing strategies to negotiation tactics and more, learn everything you need to know for success, here.

Side Hustle

Her 'Crude Prototype' and $50 Craigslist Purchase Launched a Side Hustle That Hit $1 Million in Sales — Now the Business Generates Up to $20 Million a Year

Elle Rowley experienced a "surge of creative inspiration" after she had her first baby in 2009 — and it wasn't long before she landed on a great idea.

Social Media

I Made Over $250,000 in One Year as a Content Creator — Here's Why I'll Never Rely on It as My Main Income

Brand deals are overrated. Successful creators know that long-term success comes from independence and diversification.


Steal These Billion-Dollar Strategies From Google, Whole Foods and More to Boost Retention at Your Small Business

Keeping employees is a top concern for small business owners who want to avoid costly turnover.

Side Hustle

The Remote Side Hustle a 43-Year-Old Musician Works on for 1 Hour a Day Earns Nearly $3,000 a Month: 'All From the Comfort of Home'

Sam Ziegler wanted to supplement his income as a professional drummer — then his tech skills and desire to help people came together.

More Posts on Career


I Moved My 80-Person Company to a 4-Day Workweek Even Though It's Against the Industry Norm. Here's Why We'll Never Go Back.

In 2021, TUX co-founders Dominic Tremblay and Ludwig Ciupka decided to find out if they could reinvent the workweek.

Starting a Business

She Started a Side Hustle While Working 2 Jobs as a Line Cook for $22 an Hour Combined — Now It's an 8-Figure Brand You've Probably Seen on TV

Ellen Bennett, founder of kitchenware brand Hedley & Bennett, had a big idea in 2012 — and the "willpower and chutzpah" to bring it to life.


Do Children Need to Go Out of State for the Real College Experience?

For most, college is a transformative experience; it's when we truly discover ourselves. But is this only possible if children are separated from their parents by miles? Here's how in-state colleges can be equally valuable.

Side Hustle

I Made Over $400,000 From a Side Hustle on Top of My 6-Figure Salary Last Year. I Love Diversified Income — and This Game-Changing Money-Saver.

When Chisom Okwulehie learned she wouldn't receive a merit-based pay bump during the pandemic, she took matters into her own hands.

Business Culture

6 Ways I've Achieved a Healthy Work-Life Balance as a Business Owner

Don't neglect your health and well-being when you are an entrepreneur.


With Iconic Clients Like Magic Johnson and Hulk Hogan, This Super Agent's Career Exceeded His Wildest Dreams. But Behind All of the Success He Was Caught in a Personal Nightmare.

On this episode of "The Jeff Fenster Show," Darren Prince shares his remarkable recovery journey, reminding us all of the importance of inner growth, resilience, and making a positive impact on others.

Side Hustle

How to Go From Side Hustle to 7-Figure Business and Beyond, According to 3 Women Who Did It

What starts as a way to earn extra cash just might launch you into full-time entrepreneurship — if you're strategic.

Side Hustle

At 23, She Started a Side Hustle for 'Quick Money.' Now the Business Brings in More Than $1 Million a Month — and Boasts Celebrity Fans.

Katherine Watercutter, now founder and CEO of activewear brand Gold Hinge, was working as a sales representative in Indiana when she decided to earn some extra cash.


Why Middle Managers Are a Company's Hidden Superpower

Middle managers have the ability to support and enhance your organizational success.

Starting a Business

Make Money Doing What You Love — 10 Key Tips on Monetizing Your Passion

A comprehensive guide on how to find your passion in life, outlining practical steps such as reflecting on what you love, exploring new interests and identifying your values.


This Workplace Expert's 'Brainwashing'-Esque Technique Will Help You Get the Raise You Deserve

TEDx speaker and executive coach Henna Pryor reveals how to talk your way into the salary and role you desire.