Business Ideas - Page 10

On the hunt for the next great business idea? Whether you're looking for small business ideas or home business ideas, get inspired and find what works for you.

Side Hustle

He Started a Side Hustle in His Parents' Basement and Won Big on Richard Branson's TV Show. The Business Saw Over $650 Million in Annual Revenue Last Year.

Shawn Nelson, founder and CEO of furniture manufacturer Lovesac, thought it would be "funny to make a giant beanbag chair."

Business Process

If You Don't Learn How to Pivot Your Business, You'll Watch It Perish — Here's What a Successful Pivot Looks Like.

Changing your business strategy to meet shifting market demands isn't bad. When done carefully, it can transform your company into something extraordinary.

Side Hustle

The Side Hustle She Started in Her Princeton Dorm Room Led to a $510 Million Business: 'Don't Take No for an Answer'

Danielle Cohen-Shohet launched a successful side hustle in college, combining her love for design and entrepreneurship, which ultimately led to GlossGenius.

Starting a Business

For Years, This Black Founder Learned an Uncommon But Essential Craft on the Side. Now His Creations Are Beloved By Celebrity Chefs — and Can Sell for More Than $1,000.

A chance encounter with a legendary knifemaker would lead Quintin Middleton, owner of Middleton Made Knives, to follow his long-time passion into business.

More Posts on Business Ideas

Starting a Business

Ask Co-Founder of Netflix Marc Randolph Anything: How to Watch

How to watch the new live streaming episode of 'Ask Marc.'

Starting a Business

These 3 Quotes From Jeff Bezos Will Change How You Run Your Business

Maybe you've heard them before. But they still very much resonate.

Growing a Business

5 Phrases That Kill Your Chances of Receiving Funding

Startup founders are not always aware of how investors interpret specific commonplace phrases. Sometimes, a phrase a founder believes can increase their chances of raising money gives an investor a reason not to invest. These are five such phrases that founders should reconsider using.

Growing a Business

How Artificial Intelligence is Influencing Venture Capital — 5 Guidelines for Achieving Success

AI will soon be as integral to start-up culture as smartphones and laptops.

Starting a Business

She Maxed Out Her Credit Cards and Sold Her Engagement Ring to Start a Business. Now She Has $25 Million in Funding — and Smart Advice for Fellow Black Women Founders.

As she continues to scale her company, Denise Woodard, CEO and founder of Partake Foods, has a few things to share with other Black women starting businesses.

Starting a Business

This Fun, Flexible Side Hustle Pays $35 an Hour and Gets You Into Exclusive CEO Summits, Music Festivals, and Sports Events

If you want to make money in your downtime, why not do something that feels less like work and more like an adventure?


'Go Back to Your Tractors': 4 Business Lessons We Can Learn From the Iconic Rise of Lamborghini

Lamborghini's story is one of humble beginnings, fueled by a lifelong passion for cars and set into motion by a feud with Enzo Ferrari himself.

Starting a Business

7 Ways to Fund Your Startup in 2024

Remember that businesses like Grammarly, Spanx, TOMS shoes, YouTube, and Apple were once small businesses, too. So, while the journey may be challenging, it's worth working for!

Starting a Business

These Are the Best States to Start a Business in 2024, According to a New Report

It pays to be strategic when deciding where to launch your next venture.

Starting a Business

Free Webinar | February 22: How to Make the Leap From the Corporate World to Entrepreneurship

Join our transformative webinar as special guest, Launi King, shares her journey from corporate success to entrepreneurship. Discover how you can walk the same path. Secure your spot now!

Business Ideas

Dead Weight Expenses Are Costing Your Small Business. Here's What to Watch for — And How to Cut Them

Small businesses in particular can't afford to be poorly investing limited cash.