Business Ideas - Page 2

On the hunt for the next great business idea? Whether you're looking for small business ideas or home business ideas, get inspired and find what works for you.


Why You Need a Customer Mission Statement if You Want a Successful Organization

Traditional mission statements focus on the company, not the customer. To create a more customer-centric organization, start with changing your mission statement by giving it an external focus.

Side Hustle

This Former Tesla Employee Started a Side Hustle to Save Gen Z Time — Now It's Raised Over $40 Million From the CEOs of Salesforce, Uber and More

Dylan Diamond is co-founder and CEO of Saturn, the app that helps high schoolers manage busy schedules.

Business Ideas

87 Service Business Ideas to Start Today

Get started in this growing industry, with options that range from IT consulting to childcare.

Side Hustle

This Young Professional Left Her Job in Finance After Her Remote Side Hustle Took Off and Made $76,000: 'My Idea Solves a Universal Problem'

Ruta Drungilaite got creative during the pandemic lockdowns — and stumbled upon a lucrative business opportunity.

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How Corporate Investment Helps Startups Deploy Technology Faster Than Ever

Financial resources, strategic alignment, access to expertise, market validation and operational support make this deployment possible.

Growing a Business

The Right Way to Ask Someone for a Million Dollars, According to a Fundraiser Who Does It For a Living

No matter what you're raising money for, Wanda Urbanskia says, the same basic rules apply.

Side Hustle

These Brothers Had 'No Income' When They Started a 'Low-Risk, High-Reward' Side Hustle to Chase a Big Dream — Now They've Surpassed $50 Million in Revenue

Sam Lewkowict, co-founder and CEO of men's grooming brand Black Wolf Nation, knows what it takes to harness the power of side gig for success.

Business Ideas

Struggling to Balance Your Business and Your Relationship? This Company Says It Has a Solution.

Jessica Holton, co-founder and CEO of Ours, says her company is on a mission to destigmatize couples therapy so that people can be proactive about relationship health.

Growing a Business

This CEO Says Prioritizing Purpose Over Profit Is Key to Consistent Growth and Sustainable Profit — Here's Why.

It's time you ask yourself as a leader if the business you are running is focused only on monetary gains or fulfills a larger purpose. This CEO explains the benefits of building a purpose-focused business that leads you toward consistent and sustainable profit.

Starting a Business

'Wait, I Have to Pay to Donate to You?' How Nonprofits Are Flipping the Script With 'For Profit' Strategies to 10X Their Impact

Spiraling donations and outdated dogmas around fundraising and operating costs have left many charities struggling to stay afloat. Some are trying new strategies to make money.

Side Hustle

The Side Hustle He Started at Age 15 Led to a $4 Billion Boon for Small Businesses: 'They Would Take a Chance on Me With Their Hard-Earned Money'

Nic Beique asked his local barber, gym and more if they'd like him to build a website for their businesses.

Growing a Business

If You Aren't Betting on the Media Industry, You Are Losing a Competitive Edge — Here's Why.

Building or acquiring media assets is an increasingly popular strategy adopted by creative entrepreneurs and startups looking to leverage the industry's unique characteristics.

Health & Wellness

The Top 10 Fastest Growing Industries in 2024

Thanks to tech breakthroughs and consumer demand, these industries are expected to boom in 2024.

Starting a Business

Are You Ready For Entrepreneurship? Here's How to Break Free of the Corporate Grind to Pursue Your Passion

Before you quit your 9-5, evaluate these myths vs realities of being an entrepreneur.