Amanda Breen: Page 18

Entrepreneur Staff
Senior Features Writer

Amanda Breen is a senior features writer at She is a graduate of Barnard College and received an MFA in writing at Columbia University, where she was a news fellow for the School of the Arts.

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Latest: Page 18


Is Someone Using Subtle Power Moves on You? Here's What You Need to Know — and How to Regain Equal Footing.

Sometimes, it can be hard to figure out a person's intentions, especially if you've just met them.

Science & Technology

This Ex-Facebook Designer Co-Founded an Accelerator for Indigenous People. Here's What She Wishes They Knew About Pursuing a Career in Tech.

Danielle Forward, CEO and co-founder of Natives Rising, realized early on that tech could change the lives of Indigenous people in the U.S.

Business News

Retailers Are Going to Shatter Discount Records This Holiday Season — But You'll Have to Shop the Right Way to Cash In

Consumers shopping for gifts amid inflation are eager for the best deals.


Los introvertidos que utilizan esta arma secreta pueden ser más poderosos que los extrovertidos en el lugar de trabajo

Frecuentemente, los colegas menos extrovertidos son malentendidos y subestimados, pero su talento para una cosa en particular los prepara para el éxito.

Business News

'Not Much Financial Education' — Yet Millennials Have Boomers and Gen X Beat When It Comes to Retirement Savings. Here's Why.

Millennials might own fewer homes and make less money — but they're on track for a better retirement.