Andrew Medal: Page 17

Entrepreneur & Angel Investor

Andrew Medal is the founder of The Paper Chase, which is a bi-weekly newsletter. He is an entrepreneur and angel investor.

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Latest: Page 17

Thought Leaders

There Are Many Things That Suck About Being an Entrepreneur, But It's Totally Worth It

The startup journey is not all unicorns and schools of greatness. Being a 'successful' entrepreneur is probably the hardest goal you'll accomplish in your life.

Resumes & Interviewing

A 7-Point Hit List to Hiring an Exceptional Web Designer

Asking the right questions, and having a prospective designer address your concerns up front will better arm you in making the right choice for your website direction.

Celebrity Entrepreneurs

Zuckerberg's Prison Visit Shows That Great Opportunities Appear in the Most Unlikely Places

A former inmate who dreamed about becoming an entrepreneur reflect's on the indirect recognition he received from the CEO of Facebook.

Business News

This Could Be the Next Big Event Since SXSW. At Least Mark Cuban Thinks So.

RECESS is aimed at college students and bridges today's big musicians with the superstars of business.

Making a Change

10 Ways to Hydrate Your Hustle

Regardless of whether you have endless ambition and grit, here are some ways to keep yourself motivated and creative.

Thought Leaders

11 Mindsets Learned in Prison Made Me Mentally Unstoppable

A disciplined mind focused on a worthy goal can rise above any circumstance and overcome every obstacle.