Ariel Shapira: Page 3

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor

Ariel Shapira is a father, entrepreneur, writer and speaker.

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Science & Technology

3 Ways Tech Can Succeed In This Bear Market

Successful tech companies understand that the current market represents a growing opportunity. Here's how automation can change the game.

Starting a Business

How Startups Can Succeed In the New Low-Valuation World

Money might not flow like it used to, but these tips can help you succeed as a startup in a low-valuation world.

Social Media

Big Tech Uses Data to the Detriment of Consumer Health, But We're Addicted. So What's the Solution?

These companies use our data to play upon some of our worst insecurities and dopamine receptors, creating a web-browsing experience that has even been compared to gambling.


Big Tech utiliza datos en detrimento de la salud del consumidor, pero somos adictos. Entonces, ¿cuál es la solución?

Estas empresas utilizan nuestros datos para jugar con algunas de nuestras peores inseguridades y receptores de dopamina, creando una experiencia de navegación web que incluso se ha comparado con los juegos de azar.


Bitcoin como moneda desencadena nuestro miedo a perdernos algo. ¿Se puede arreglar?

Suponiendo que la demanda de Bitcoin se recupere gracias al creciente entusiasmo criptográfico, su escasez trabajará para aumentar su valor con el tiempo, haciéndolo deflacionario.

Money & Finance

Bitcoin as Currency Triggers Our Fear of Missing Out. Can It Be Fixed?

Assuming the demand for Bitcoin picks up on the back of growing crypto enthusiasm, its scarcity will work to drive up its value over time, making it deflationary.