Aytekin Tank: Page 5

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® VIP
Entrepreneur; Founder and CEO, Jotform

Aytekin Tank is the founder and CEO of Jotform and the author of Automate Your Busywork. Tank is a renowned industry leader on topics such as entrepreneurship, technology, bootstrapping and productivity. He has nearly two decades of experience leading a global workforce.

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Latest: Page 5


The Surprising Link Between Music and Focus Could Make You More Productive Than Ever — If You Take Advantage of It

Music won't make you smarter, but it can help you to be more productive.


¿Estás batallando para ser productivo? Solo necesitas reducir tus opciones

Cómo reducir las opciones de decisión puede llevar a una programación más eficiente y a un mejor rendimiento.


Lo que los alpinistas expertos pueden enseñarte sobre el logro de los más desafiantes retos

Utiliza estos consejos para conquistar con éxito tu próximo difícil proyecto.


Struggling With Productivity? You Just Need to Give Yourself Fewer Options.

How reducing decision options can lead to more efficient scheduling and enhanced performance.


What Expert Mountaineers Can Teach You About Accomplishing Your Most Daunting Tasks

Use these tips to successfully summit your next challenging project.


The Science-Backed Case for Embracing Boredom in the Workplace

Research shows that for entrepreneurs, a dash of ennui can actually be an asset. Here's how to turn boredom into an engine for creativity.