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Business News

Spotify’s 2024 first quarter hits the high notes

Music giant Spotify has unveiled its first quarter results for 2024. Spotify, the global streaming platform, has marked a significant milestone in the first part of the new financial year,...

Business News

SEC To Host Second Annual Conference on Emerging Trends in Asset Management

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is setting out its stall to host the second annual Emerging Trends in Asset Management conference. The government regulator’s Division of Investment Management will...

Business News

Johnson & Johnson acquisitions hit close to $15bn

April witnessed a flurry of high-profile acquisitions by Johnson & Johnson, the healthcare behemoth. These strategic moves, amounting to nearly $15 bn, spanned across the medical care and consumer healthcare...

Business News

Tesla cuts global prices after week of crisis

Electric automotive manufacturer Tesla has cut prices of its vehicles globally after a historic week of lows. The car company, owned by Elon Musk, has not only cut prices domestically...

Business News

Paramount stock prices soar as Sony joint buyout edges closer

Paramount, the globally recognized name in film and TV, watched stock prices rise as Apollo Global Management and Sony Entertainment buyout moved closer. The stock jumped as much as 15%...

Business News

Netflix’s financial report highlights the success of the streaming service

Netflix’s financial report highlights that 9.33 million subscribers have joined the streaming service. Today, Netflix reported its first-quarter earnings report, and there is a lot for the content giant to...