Bryan Adams

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor


Bryan Adams is the CEO and founder of Ph.Creative, a global employer-branding agency. He is a prominent employer-brand thought leader as well as a podcaster, speaker and author of "Give and Get Employer Branding."

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Thought Leaders

Strong Employer Branding Is How You Get From Where You Are to Where You Want to Be. Where Are You on the Journey?

Plotting your current place — and responding accordingly — can be a springboard to a strategy that attracts and keeps the best talent.


'Throwing Money at the Problem' Can Scare Away Top Employees

Sometimes throwing money at the problem can work, but in the case of lowering turnover, keeping great employees and fueling a terrific employer brand reputation, it's a woefully inadequate solution.

Growing a Business

Why Former Staff Members Might Be Your Greatest Brand Asset

To reach its potential, your employer brand strategy should lay the groundwork for a strong alumni community. Here's how.

Thought Leaders

How Companies Like Facebook Can Fix Their Reputations as Employers

Employees increasingly looking to quit? Here's how some well-placed talent experience dollars can burnish a company's reputation internally.


Cómo empresas como Facebook pueden mejorar su reputación como empleadores

¿Los empleados buscan cada vez más renunciar? Así es como algunos dólares de experiencia de talento bien colocados pueden pulir la reputación de una empresa internamente.


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