Cari Jacobs

Founder & Executive Coach at The Force Majeure, Author and Speaker

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Use This Powerful Thought Technique and Watch Your Team Succeed

Expansive thinking is simple in concept but a powerful tool for transformation when applied thoughtfully.


This Framework of Thinking Can Improve Your Leadership Skills

The framework is based on fight-or-flight, but with a refreshing twist.


Este marco de pensamiento puede mejorar sus habilidades de liderazgo

El marco se basa en la lucha o la huida, pero con un toque refrescante.


6 'Must Haves' That Determine If You Are Coachable

You must be coachable if you want a hiring coach to help you.


6 'imprescindibles' que determinan si se puede entrenar

Debe ser capacitado si desea que un entrenador de contratación lo ayude.

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