Eric Ryan


Eric Ryan is a founding partner at Mission Met, author, speaker and thought leader helping nonprofits develop and execute their strategic plan.

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Core Values and Practices Are Booster Fuel for Your Business. Here's How to Establish the Right Ones.

As a business leader, are you looking for your team to increase efficiency and productivity, improve communication and make better decisions? Creating a positive culture by implementing values and practices may be the answer.


Le pedí a la IA que creara un plan estratégico para una empresa ficticia: los resultados me sorprendieron, pero no de la forma en que podrías imaginar

Con toda la expectativa que rodea a la inteligencia artificial (IA), decidí hacer mi propio experimento con ChatGPT. Esto es lo que aprendí.

Science & Technology

I Asked AI to Create a Plan for a Fake Company — The Results Blew Me Away, But Not in the Way You Might Think

With all the hype around AI, I decided to conduct an experiment of my own with ChatGPT. Here's what I learned.


What Vince Lombardi Can Teach You About the Importance of Having a Clear Vision

If Lombardi was a strategic planner, he'd emphasize the power of being clear on your vision. Once you are, your goals fall into place.

Growing a Business

Setting Measurable Goals Is Critical to Your Strategic Plan (and Your Success). Here's Why.

If you want your business to meet its goals, achieve greater organizational capacity, hit its mission, generate more revenue and be more financially secure, here's what you need to do.


If Your Strategic Plan Is Failing, You Might Want to Look in the Mirror

If all you're doing as a leader is putting out fires, then you're not making time for the fire prevention process of strategic planning — and you're losing numerous opportunities to build your organization.

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