Gene Marks: Page 14

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® VIP
President of The Marks Group

Gene Marks is a CPA and owner of The Marks Group PC, a ten-person technology and financial consulting firm located near Philadelphia founded in 1994.

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Latest: Page 14


A Stupid 3-Word Phrase That Instantly Ruins Your Credibility

If somebody tells you price isn't important they are delusional.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

Cut Any Expense You Want But Don't Dare Take the Coffee Away!

Employees will suffer through pay freezes, no-bonus Christmas and downsizing but if there is no coffee you'll have a mutiny.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

How to Really Thank Your Employees

Taking the crew to lunch once a year between Thanksgiving and Christmas doesn't make up for taking them for granted the rest of the year.


If You're A Hillary Supporter, This Is the Best Advice You'll Receive Today

It doesn't matter if you can't yet say 'President Trump.' A lot of people are depending on you to keep the business open, whatever the next four years brings.

Making a Change

This Tennis Pro Gives Quitting a Really Bad Name

Quitting so you come out ahead is good business. Throwing your career away because you're in a bad mood is something different.