Jeff Meade


Jeff Meade is the founder and CEO of MEADE, where he provides small to midsize marketing services firms and in-house marketing teams with the trusted advice needed to scale their business and performance. Meade is based in the Dallas-Fort Worth area.

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Employee Experience & Recruiting

Employers Shouldn't Fear The Great Resignation. They Should Learn From It.

Now is the time to ask yourself if you're giving employees enough reason to stay. Here are strategies that will help you retain your talent.

Resumes & Interviewing

4 Trackable Metrics to Move the Needle on Diversity and Inclusion Goals

When it comes to diversity initiatives, there's still a significant piece of the puzzle missing: the measurement portion.


4 métricas rastreables para avanzar en los objetivos de diversidad e inclusión

Cuando se trata de iniciativas de diversidad, todavía falta una pieza importante del rompecabezas: la parte de medición.


If You're the Lifeblood of Your Business, Then You've Doomed It to Failure

Most businesses run into trouble when they realize that without their CEO, they have nothing to sell. Here's how leaders can pull themselves out of the weeds.


Si eres el elemento vital de tu negocio, entonces lo has condenado al fracaso

La mayoría de las empresas se meten en problemas cuando se dan cuenta de que sin su director ejecutivo, no tienen nada que vender. Así es como los líderes pueden salir de la maleza.

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