Jeff Shuford


Meet Jeff Shuford, the celebrated and award-winning brand and marketing strategist. With unwavering dedication, Jeff empowers CEOs and industry leaders — not just to enhance their influence — but to triumph in their respective domains. With Jeff's guidance, your journey to success is unstoppable.

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Starting a Business

Ditch These Five Habits If You Want Entrepreneurial Success

Is what you are doing truly growing your business? Let's take a closer look.


Deshazte de estos cinco hábitos si quieres el éxito empresarial

¿Lo que está haciendo realmente hace crecer su negocio? Miremos más de cerca.


Why You Should Hire One of These People to Tell Your Brand's Story

Veterans are geniuses at storytelling.


3 Branding Goals I Know You Can Accomplish This Year

Establishing and achieving branding goals early on will inevitably leave your clients with a positive perception about your company for years to come.

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