Justin Gray


Justin Gray is the CEO and chief marketing evangelist of LeadMD. He founded the company in 2009 with the vision of transforming traditional grassroots marketing efforts through the use of cloud-based marketing solutions.

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The Customer Isn't Always Right and You Need to Challenge Them

Organizations with a culture of agreement are fundamentally set up for failure.


Understand Data and You'll Understand Why CMOs Make the Best CEOs

Research-based strategies are helping marketers drive customer engagement, boost sales and strengthen organizations through authentic leadership.


Why Relying on Gig Workers to Fill Your Skills Gap is Lazy

The dazzle of the gig economy has blinded employers to the costs of high turnover and lack of continuity inherent in hiring temp workers.


How to 'Productize' Your Service Business Offerings

When your services business is treading water, adding products to your business plan may help keep it afloat.


3 Ways to Track the True Value, Not Just Return on Investment, of Your Content Marketing

Here are a few ways to shift your thinking away from the dollars-generated-per-webinar mindset and toward a focus on how your content powers your entire sales and marketing engine.

Growing a Business

4 Partnership Secrets for Hypergrowth Businesses

Learn when to partner -- and when to walk away.

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