Kalon Gutierrez: Page 2

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor


As managing director with Manatt's digital and technology consulting practice, Kalon Gutierrez leads next-generation initiatives for top innovators. He’s a three-time entrepreneur, advisor and strategist who writes and speaks on emerging tech trends, leadership and diversity and inclusion.

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Thought Leaders

5 Keys to Success for the Mid-Career Entrepreneur

While aspiring mid-career entrepreneurs ponder new definitions of what work should be, it is important that they consider some of the practical tools to get ready for this important life transition.


7 claves para invertir de forma auténtica en diversas empresas emergentes

Las instituciones, los inversores y los empresarios deben hacer más que hacer vagos pronunciamientos sobre los compromisos financieros que tienen como objetivo el cambio en las próximas décadas.

Thought Leaders

7 Keys to Authentically Investing in Diverse Start-ups

Institutions, investors and entrepreneurs must do more than make vague pronouncements about financial commitments targeting change decades from now.


10 cosas que los atletas universitarios deben considerar al construir un negocio basado en su propia marca personal

Los atletas universitarios pueden ganar dinero legalmente con su nombre, imagen y semejanza.

Thought Leaders

10 Things College Athletes Should Consider When Building a Business Based on Their Own Personal Brand

College athletes can legally make money from their name, image and likeness.

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It's Time to Redefine the Influencer

It's time for us to change the term to a more representative title.

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