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Ahana Gautam: The Unjunked Lifestyle

One would think the dream job after graduation from prestigious universities such as IIT and Harvard would be working in a Big 4 company. Not the case for Ahana Gautam whose world changed after stepping into a Whole Foods store in America.


Chef Niyati Rao: The Architect Of Yummy Experiences

Growing up Rao "thought that 'food is magic', and if that magic resides anywhere one must learn to wield it, and I wanted to be a part of this Chain of happiness."


Meta Unveils Plan To Tack Misinformation During Lok Sabha Elections

Meta, has launched a "comprehensive approach" to prevent voter manipulation, reduce false information, and boost accountability and transparency on its platform ahead of the Lok Sabha elections.

News and Trends

Apple To Collaborate with Google and bring Gemini AI features to iPhones

Apple and Google are actively negotiating to employ Gemini to power some of the generative AI features coming to iPhones this year. With its previous history of controversy, Google's Gemini chatbot may face significant changes as a result of the arrangement with Apple.


New Security Flaw In Google Chrome Flagged By The Indian Govt

The most widely used PC browser, Google Chrome, has recently been exposed to a new security flaw that may impact millions of users globally. The Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) of the Indian government released a high severity alert that revealed the information.

News and Trends

YouTube Create App: Access and Steps To Use

This free program, which was first released a year ago, makes video editing for both short films and longer-form content easier, freeing up users to concentrate on their stories and creativity.