Kimberly Zhang: Page 3

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor
Chief Editor of Under30CEO

Kimberly Zhang, president and editor in chief of Under30CEO, has a passion for educating the next generation of leaders.

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Latest: Page 3

Business Ideas

4 Ways to Increase Efficiency Within Your Business

If you can make these kinds of changes with confidence, you can pave the way for your company to survive the present and thrive in the future.

Starting a Business

3 Reminders to Start Your Startup On The Right Foot

There are many easy-to-overlook factors that, when tended to properly, can give your startup a much higher chance of taking off.

Science & Technology

Revolutionize Small Business with Generative AI

Generative AI presents a wealth of opportunities for small enterprises across diverse industries.


Why the Death of Cookies Will Make Online Advertising Better

Third-party cookies are going away in 2024. When that happens, marketers will be able to re-engage with consumers in exciting new ways.


11 Marketing Trends That We Think Will Not Go Away Anytime Soon

While trends come and go, those key marketing tools have been a mainstay over the past few years and have seen their influence increase considerably.

Resumes & Interviewing

10 Ways to Show You're Ready For a Promotion With Your Resume

Are you eyeing that next step up the corporate ladder with a better title and a fatter paycheck? If so, it's time to spotlight your leadership skills and growth trajectory.