Mobile Tech Statistics <b></b>
By the end of 2008, roughly 50% of airlines worldwide will allow calls from mobile phones while in flight.
--Airline IT Trends, November 2006
59% of all airlines plan to offer internet and e-mail access by the end of 2008.
--Airline IT Trends, November 2006
By 2009, the number of mobile workers in the US is expected to reach more than 70% of the total workforce.
--IDC, October 2006
81% of global executives say they are connected to work through mobile devices all of the time.
--Korn/Ferry International, August 2006
45.1 million Americans work from home; 16.3 million work while in their car.
--ITAC/The Dieringer Research Group, July 2006
The number of global mobile phone subscribers is expected to grow from two billion in 2005 to approximately 3.3 billion in 2010.
--Market Intelligence Center, May 2006
63% of adults believe say it's acceptable to chat on a cell phone while in the car.
--LetsTalk, June 2006
87% of fast-growth CEOs have found some success in acquisitions or mergers.
--Barometer Surveys, June 2006
Men talk 16% more on their cell phones each month than women.
--Cingular, June 2006
To talk business, 33% of men use their cell phone compared to 14% of women.
--Cingular, June 2006
Telecommunications managers believe 28% of their employees are using their mobile phone as their primary work phone.
--IDC, June 2006
25 million U.S. mobile phones could also be mobile wallets by 2011.
--In-Stat, May 2006
85% say handheld devices used in their organization should require security protection.
--FierceWireless/Bluefire Wireless Security, April 2006
More than 80% of respondents say their organization has increased the use of handheld devices over the past two years.
--FierceWireless/Bluefire Wireless Security, April 2006
74% of Americans who own a mobile phone say they have used their hand-held device in an emergency and gained valuable help.
--Pew Internet & American Life Project, April 2006
28% of mobile phone users worldwide have browsed the internet with a mobile device.
--Ipsos Insight, April 2006
Nearly 1/4 of U.S. mobile subscribers switched providers between 2004 and 2005.
--Forrester Research, April 2006
2/3 of mobile and PDA owners say two days of active battery life is vital.
--TNS Technology, September 2005
20% of cell phone users said some form of mobile advertising would be acceptable.
--In-Stat, September 2005
85% of mobile users said it was important or very important for mobile apps to remember their favorites/preferences.
--Action Engine, September 2005
74% of mobile users found the browser experience disappointing.
--Action Engine, September 2005
1 in 67 motorists use a hand-held phone while driving.
--The Department for Transport, October 2005
It was estimated that there were 100,000 WiFi hotspots worldwide in 2005.
--Informa Telecoms & Media, October 2005
Mobile viruses are not expected to threaten 30% of mobile devices until the end of 2007.
--Gartner, August 2005
40 million U.S. customers 18 and older say they are interested in mobile e-mail services. Here are the details of their interest: 96% don't want to have to buy a special handheld device or phone to receive mobile e-mail; 82% want to be able to prioritize which e-mails they receive on their phone; 71% say cost is the biggest factor for them in deciding on mobile e-mail service; 63% say ease of use is the biggest factor in deciding on mobile e-mail service; 53% say no need to upgrade is the biggest factor in deciding on mobile e-mail service.
--Ipsos Public Affairs, August 2005