Computer Cleaning Service

Startup Costs: Under $2,000
Home Based: Can be operated from home.
Part Time: Can be operated part-time.
Franchises Available? No
Online Operation? No

Most commercial office cleaning services won't clean computers while cleaning an office. In fact, most commercial cleaners won't even dust a desk that a computer is sitting on or near. Why? Simply because they don't want to accept the liability should anything happen to the computer equipment or information and programs stored within. Herein lies the business opportunity. The fastest and most efficient way to establish a computer cleaning service that specializes in cleaning computers used for business is to build alliances with commercial office cleaners so they can recommend your service to their clients. The only requirements for operating a computer cleaning service are to have the proper equipment to clean the computers along with the needed skills and a liability insurance policy.

Computer Cleaning Service Ideas

Computer Upgrading Service

As technology advances at record speed, providing the occasional update may be the right niche for you.

Computer Repair and Maintenance

Take your tech knowledge to the streets and help people with computer problems.

Computer Training

Use your computer smarts to teach others how to use their software and hardware.

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