Pest and Critter Control

Startup Costs: $10,000 - $50,000
Part Time: Can be operated part-time.
Franchises Available? Yes
Online Operation? No

You can cash in on the booming pest management and critter control industry by starting your own pest-control service. You'll be in good company, considering that there are an estimated 65,000 people working in the pest-control industry in the United States. Specialize in ridding homes, offices, and commercial buildings of pesky insects such as termites, roaches, spiders, ants, and bees. Or concentrate on ridding your clients' properties of larger critters such as squirrels, snakes, rats, mice, and raccoons. For the more ecologically-minded client, some services even provide live catch-and-release services for the removal of raccoons, snakes, skunks, and squirrels. In short, pest-control services locate, identify, destroy, catch, control, or repel pests by applying chemicals, setting traps, installing physical barriers, or by manual removal techniques. Keep in mind that laws in both Canada and the United States require training and licensing before you can offer customers pest-control services, especially those involving the application of pesticides.

Pest and Critter Control Ideas

Home Maintenance and Repair

Keep clients' homes in tip-top shape with a home maintenance and repair business.

Fence Panels

Add the finishing touch to any yard or field by offering fence panels.

Hardwood Floor Refinishing

Don't worry about heavy flooring supplies--refinish the hardwood floor that's already there.

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