Anxiety: Page 3

News and Trends

Using Data to Dispel Back-to-Workplace Anxiety

The return to workplaces has employees worried about contracting the virus while at work. It is especially traumatic for those who have lost a friend or family member to the virus, compounded by job security


Switch Off Covid-19 Stress: 5 Ways to Achieve Work-life Balance in the New Normal

The pandemic has triggered stressors in careers, personal finances, and family life with nearly 70% of workers citing COVID-19 as the most stressful moment of their career-even more stressful than other major events like 9/11 and the Great Recession of the late 2000s


#5 Foods That Are Killing Your Intelligence, Focus and Brain

Here are five food that you need to cut down to keep your brain healthy and fit


Reconnecting with the Inner Self for Mental Well Being during COVID

With the scare of COVID-19, the wheel of our fast-moving life stopped. It was as if the earth was giving us an option to re-think our lives choices

News and Trends

Tips To Keep Yourself Mentally Fit In This Time of Pandemic

Here are some of the simple tips to keep yourself mentally fit and healthy while staying home during these unprecedented times.

Business News

Working From Home? Try This Top-Rated Meditation App to Stay Focused.

Stay mindful and anxiety-free through the quarantine.


Decoding Diabetes in Indian Women

Women commonly suffer from chronic health diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and hypertension have for long been perceived as a man's health burden. These are now affecting more and more younger women, at a silent, alarming rate

News and Trends

5 Tips To Calm Yourself While the Nation Is In Panic

The uncertainty of the situation is causing anxiety, agitation, stress & panic leaving many people vulnerable and fearful.

Operations & Logistics

What Doulas Can Teach Us in Times of Anxiety and Chaos

There's plenty for business owners to learn from those who guide expecting mothers through childbirth.


9 Ways to Deal with Fear, Anxiety, Worry about Life and Job During Lockdown

All of us are so hard-wired to follow certain set patterns that this change and uncertainty is bringing up a lot of insecurity, leading to anxiety and here's how you are supposed to deal with it


5 Tips for Dealing With Anxiety as a Business Owner Right Now

We're all carrying more fear than normal, but you owe it to your team and clients to show up for them.


Coronavirus: 5 Mind Hacks to Feel Powerful and Remain Productive

These will make you feel powerful in these helpless times and help in staying mentally strong


Workplace Stress: 8 Signs You Are Suffering

Work-related stress is the response people may have when presented with work demands and pressures that are not matched to their knowledge, and abilities and which challenge their ability to cope


#6 Step Adventure Guide For Mental & Physical Fitness

Know how these adventure sports push you to be courageous and boost your mental system


Here's How to Deal with Stress at the Workplace

Before the chronic toxicity of work-related stress engulfs every aspect of your lives, it's time to do something about it and regain sanity