Baby Boomers and Millennials


Boomers: The Wealthy Client Group You Can't Ignore — Here's the Best Way to Market to Them.

Believe it or not, direct mail aligns perfectly with the preferences of Boomers.


How to Navigate Generational Differences and Hybrid Challenges in the Workplace

Here's how to master the growing challenge of leading and communicating in a multi-generational, hybrid workplace.

Business News

The Silent Crisis — Why Baby Boomer-Owned Businesses Need a Revival Strategy Now

Tech and AI-driven innovation is revealing a silent crisis. Baby boomer-owned businesses, especially in blue-collar industries, once the backbone of the economy, are facing unprecedented challenges.


Boomers vs. Millennials? How to Broker Peace Between Generations in the Workplace

Every age cohort has experienced a crisis that shaped the way they work. Perhaps we are not as different as we have been led to believe.

Resumes & Interviewing

This Is What You Need to Know About Age Discrimination in the Workplace

Even in a tight labor market, older workers face continued age discrimination.


Corporate America Needs to Understand These 4 Keys to Working With Millennials

Millennials have a bad reputation that they don't deserve.

Growing a Business

7 Bad Workplace Habits Millennials Need to Stop Making

Walk away from the computer once in a while. Leave your tablet behind for meetings. And don't check your smartphone during a conversation.


Millennials and Their Employers Want the Same Thing. They Just Don't Know it Yet.

The workforce is changing, but in ways it really isn't very hard for employers to live with.


5 Ways to Help Your Aging Workforce Embrace Digital Transformation

Baby boomers may be reluctant to dive into digital tools. But they should be encouraged, because they still have so much to offer.

Business News

The Mystery of What Millennials Really Want Is Solved at Last

A single conversation over a couple of beers reveals the prosaic truth: decent pay and benefits, a lot like their parents had.


Millennials Can Bridge the Generation Gap With Boomers

A diverse workplace these days includes co-workers the age of your parents, or the age of your kids.


5 Ways New Companies Are Capturing the Growing Senior Market

The Baby Boomer generation is social media savvy and has disposable income, making them a desirable customer base.


Appeal to Millennials' Minds, Not to Their Hearts

Want to reach younger consumers? Market to their mindset, which is equal parts optimism -- and stark realism about the future.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

Managers: Stop Trying to Please Millennials (Only)

Managers need to recognize and balance the differences between millennials and boomers to get the most out of everybody.