Business Strategy: Page 6

Growth Strategies

Five Mistakes That Mess up Your Customer Experience Strategy

Avoiding these common mistakes will surely improve chances of delivering successful CX initiatives


Want to Buy a Franchise? Here's Your Step By Step Guide

Franchising is one of the safest ways of becoming a business owner


Small Strategic Steps For Franchisors to Gain Momentum in Business

Franchisors often consider the franchising industry to be all about driving exponential growth with quick returns


Why Good Customer Service is The Most Important Business Metric

Attracting new customers is much more difficult than retaining one


Entrepreneurs Need To Take Care Of How They Feel

Success must not come at the cost of your wellbeing rather one should have both

Social Media

Break The Monotony: Keep it Fresh on Social Media

We'll talk about the strategy to increase social media engagement and improve awareness of your brand


Mistakes New Franchisors Should Refrain From Committing

Never enter the franchise industry if you think it's cool or can make you a millionaire overnight

Growth Strategies

What is Lacking For Women Safety in Offices And How to Deal With It

When it comes to ensuring inclusivity and safety of women in workplaces, this is merely scratching the tip of an iceberg and we need to do more


Nuances of The Indian Real Estate People Were Unaware of

Indeed, a roof over every Indian's head would be the most compelling deliverable for any Government to actually deliver


How Franchisors Are Breaking The Contant Rising of Online Language Learning Juggernaut

Learning a new language has become a new resolution for 2018


Want To Expand Your Business? Here Are 3 Key Reasons Why Franchising is The Best Option

Expanding your business through franchising has several advantages over opening company-run units


Here Is How Franchisors Can Increase Their Profit Margin

Reducing the Employee Turnover


9 Key Benefits of Updated Employees for a Franchise Business

The 20th CEO Survey by PWC indicates, 87% of CEOs worldwide mentioned 'Non-availability of key skills' as the topmost concern impending their growth.


Why Investing in Theme-Based Restaurant Could be Profitable for Franchisors

The popularity of theme-based restaurants is skyrocketing in recent years because of the parallel growth of the market


Major Challenges Faced by Healthcare Franchises Today

In the era characterized by uncertainty and rapid change, Healthcare franchises should become more nimble and proactive to succeed.