Doing Good: Page 5

Starting a Business

4 Reasons Why Startups Committed to Social Responsibility Succeed

Difficult though it is to calculate ROI on doing good, startups find social responsibility connects them sooner with customers, investors and committed employees.


Contribute to the Greater Good by Taking These 3 Easy Initiatives

You don't have to do it all to make it worth the effort. Take these steps toward being a more socially-conscious entrepreneur.

Business News

The Personality Trait That Most Often Predicts Success

A staggering amount of research links this trait with people who are also super organized, responsible and plan ahead, among other things.

Growing a Business

Make a Positive Impression on the World, and Make Money Doing It

The mind behind the UK's best-selling single of all time teaches us that doing good can be profitable, as long as you're willing.

Thought Leaders

How a Workwear Business Grew to Support Women's Leadership

Red Ants workwear for women has a heavy-duty impact.

Business Ideas

The Flip-Flops That Help Pay Medical Bills

Hari Mari donates $3 from each pair of flip-flops they sell to hospital units that accept uninsured patients.


How a NYC Nonprofit Is Working With Businesses to Make the World a Better Place

Strategic partnerships help a nonprofit erase education deficits.

Thought Leaders

How a Skate Business Came to the Aid of Shelter Animals

Eco-friendly skateboard and apparel business has a mission to help rescue animals. Hendrick Boards donates as much as 40 percent of its revenue to 200 animal shelters, rescues and sanctuaries.

Business Ideas

Health-Food Business Taps Into its Native American Roots

A PGA player tees off to improve Native American health.

Thought Leaders

Smile Squared Donates Toothbrushes to Children in Need

A buy-one-give-one program brightens the smiles of kids in living in poverty around the world.

Green Entrepreneur

How a Hammock-Maker Helps Campers Go Green

A startup that works with environmental nonprofits and makes sustainable practices a critical component of success.

Starting a Business

Doing Good One T-Shirt at a Time

Sevenly serves its causes through the sale of limited-edition T-shirts.

Starting a Business

Yoga Program Offers Instant Karma

A community service certification requirement aims to spread some om to those in need.

Starting a Business

Connecting Nonprofits With Pro Bono Help

Many nonprofits can't afford the help of designers and copywriters. CrowdSpring's volunteer program offers a solution.

Starting a Business

Need Inspiration? Three 'Doing Good' Success Stories

We follow up with some of our do-gooders from past columns.