getting more sleep: Page 2


Arianna Huffington Is Serious About a Good Night's Sleep

An accident inspired her to reevaluate her own notions about the importance of sleep.


Employees Don't Get Enough Sleep, and It's Your Fault

One problem may be that 42 percent of U.S. employees surveyed said they didn't take a single vacation day in 2014.

Business News

Less Sleep May Mean More Risk of Colds and Infections

A study shows that not getting enough sleep impacts the immune, endocrine and cardiovascular systems.

Business News

10 Ways to Sleep Smarter

'I'll sleep when I'm dead' is a terrible life motto.

Thought Leaders

Guys, Women Really Do Need More Sleep Than You

Wake up and smell the research. The female brain works harder, therefore it needs more zzzs.


5 Almost Effortless Ways to Become a Morning Person

Super simple methods to make your mornings easier . . . and more productive.

Business News

The Do's and Don'ts for Restful Sleep

From eating 'slumber foods' to playing the didgeridoo, a look at the tried and tested ways to get a good night's sleep.


Secrets to a Good Night's Sleep: The Do's, Don'ts and What We Still Don't Know

A sleep researcher took to Reddit to answer some questions and dispel some common misconceptions.

Health & Wellness

This Is Your Brain on Not Enough Sleep (Infographic)

Wake up and smell the brain damage, sleepyhead. This is the alarming havoc you wreak on your gray matter when you don't catch enough Zs.


Want Better Sleep? It Might Be Time to Redecorate. (Infographic)

These tips are designed to help you get good night's rest.


6 Secrets to Better Sleep

A cool, dark bedroom and a commitment to turn off computers and ereaders before bedtime will help ensure a healthy snooze.

Celebrity Entrepreneurs

The Surprising Sleep Habits of the Rich and Famous (Infographic)

From Richard Branson to Barack Obama, Leonardo da Vinci to Wolfgang Mozart, the sleep schedules of these bigwigs are anything but naptime wishes and caviar dreams. They're just plain bizarre.