Immigrants: Page 4

Thought Leaders

This Family Business Begun in a Basement Has Gone Big Time

Lifeway Kefir was begun a generation ago on a shoestring budget and is now a $150-million operation.

Thought Leaders

The Lack of Visa Options for Entrepreneurs is Hurting America's Economy

The frustrating barriers to living legally in the U.S. are keeping out entrepreneurs eager to launch businesses and hire American workers.

Starting a Business

Immigrants Can Shed Fears of Entering the Startup World -- With These Strategies

Owning a company is an achievable goal for newcomers to America. Here's how.

Growing a Business

How Six Immigrant Entrepreneurs Transformed Dreams Into Businesses

They came to the U.S. from China, Grenada, India, Haiti, Nigeria and the former Soviet Union. Now they own businesses in food service and product sales -- and helping other startups. See how they landed launch capital and met challenges.


As Startup Visa Bill Languishes, Entrepreneurs Leave the U.S.

Innovators drawn to the U.S. for education and research don't have time to wait for legislative action that would help them stay.


Inventor of the Wildly Popular 'Rainbow Loom' Weaves the American Dream With Rubber Bands in a Detroit Basement

Malaysian immigrant Choon Ng came to the U.S. for college and became an engineer. In his downtime, he invented a toy that has become a national sensation.

Operations & Logistics

George W. Bush Becomes Latest High-Profile Supporter of Immigration Reform

In a speech at the George W. Bush Institute, the former president became the latest leader to publicly voice his support for immigration reform.


Immigration Reform Clears Senate, Faces House Fight

The U.S. Senate's passage of a comprehensive immigration reform bill is a victory for tech-startup advocates such as Steve Case and others.

Growing a Business

The Family Behind Luxury Lingerie Business Cosabella

A revealing look at the immigrant family driving Cosabella as the Italian fashion brand creates a new label for JCPenney, experiments with high-tech underwear and expands globally.

Growing a Business

Entrepreneurs Support a Pathway to Citizenship for Immigrants

The majority of small-business owners want to see comprehensive immigration reform include a way for newcomers to the U.S. to achieve permanent legal status.

Growing a Business

Steve Case on Fixing the Visa System (Opinion)

It's a global battle for the world's most talented immigrants. When it comes to visa reform, our next elected leader needs to get the job done, Case writes.


Expand the Startup Visa Act (Opinion)

For real economic impact, the legislation must broaden the pool of eligible entrepreneurs.

Business Ideas

How to Start a Business in a Recession

Economic cycles come and go, but businesses must thrive in good times and bad. Fat Straws Bubble Tea's Terry Pham launched during a recession and survived two downturns. Learn how Pham and other entrepreneurs made a go of it in tough times.

Starting a Business

Paving the Way for More Immigrant Entrepreneurs

The U.S. Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services has a new plan to speed the arrival of entrepreneurial immigrants.

Science & Technology

Startup Strives to Make Customer Service a More 'Zen' Experience

How three immigrant entrepreneurs found U.S. success in launching Zendesk.