Retailers: Page 5

Business News

The Retail Giants That Disappeared

From Circuit City to KB Toys, a look at the popular stores that went bust over the last 25 years.

Business News

Lululemon Founder Chip Wilson Will Not Take on the Company's Board

Instead, he will sell half his shares to a private-equity firm.


How a Tax Return Helped This Entrepreneur Land a Successful Brand

After leaving her job, almost getting sued and landing a spot on Good Morning America, Lauren Thom found success as a New Orleans retailer.

Business News

Amazon Wants a Hit Series of Its Own

For the second year in a row, Amazon is utilizing a crowdsourcing model to determine which of 10 series pilots currently available for live streaming will ultimately be given the green light.

Science & Technology

Why Businesses Will Like PayPal's Updated Checkout Process

The payment processing company has moved to a simpler 'in-context' checkout system.

Buying / Investing in Business

Men's Wearhouse to Jos A. Bank: We're Suited for Each Other, and Here's $1.5 Billion to Prove It

With its stock at a five-year high, men's apparel retailer Men's Wearhouse has decided to turn the tables on its smaller rival.


How to Make The Most of This Year's Ultra-Short Holiday Shopping Season

With Thanksgiving falling so late in November, there are fewer precious shopping days this year. For retailers, this means having to be extra creative to get customers through the door.


REI Ditches Its Lifetime Warranty: Good or Bad Idea?

Rugged outfitter REI recently jettisoned its lifetime warranty -- putting an end to being able to return decades-old camping gear. Think it'll be a good strategy for the retailer?

Growing a Business

Following Weeks of Delays, East Coast Shipping en Route to Normalcy

Retailers that depend on goods shipped to the Port of New York and New Jersey have been tearing their hair out in recent weeks. But there's smooth sailing ahead.

Business Ideas

In a Win for Small Merchants, Judge Overturns Fed Ruling on Debit Card Fees

In the ongoing saga between the nation's biggest banks and small retailers over swipe fees, the courts rule in favor of Main Street.

Business Plans

Crocs: From Footwear Fad to Billion-Dollar Company

This iconic shoemaker bounced back after the recession by revamping its product lines and distribution channel.


Startup Offers a Fresh Take on Online Auctions

Yumani lets vendors duke it out to give you the best price.

Business Ideas

A Retail Extreme Makeover Provides Sweet Rewards

A Chicago cupcake company's experience offers lessons on renovating an affordable, but neglected retail space.

Starting a Business

Smaller Retailers Tap Into the Power of Digital Displays

Four retailers illustrate how digital signs can help attract customers and boost revenue.