Amazon: Page 3

Business News

Report: Amazon Imposes a Harsh New Penalty for Workers Who Don't Return to the Office

New internal documents viewed by multiple outlets shed light on the strict new policy.


Amazon venderá coches en línea a partir del próximo año

Por ahora el servicio solo estará disponible en Estados Unidos y comenzará con la comercialización de vehículos de la marca sudcoreana Hyundai.

Business News

You Could Buy Your Next Car on Amazon, Seriously — But There's a Not-So-Convenient Catch

The list of items available for purchase on the massive ecommerce platform keeps growing.

Business News

Beware of Prime Scams This Holiday Season, Amazon Warns

Amazon is warning customers to look out for two kinds of scams as holiday shopping begins.


Ahora podrás comprar en Amazon sin salir de Facebook o Instagram

Meta y Amazon anunciaron la unión, la cual puede marcar un nuevo comienzo en las ventas en línea.

Business News

Lauren Sánchez Says When It Comes to Fiance Jeff Bezos, 'Everything's Shared'

Jeff Bezos' fiancé opened up to Vogue about the high-profile relationship.


Big-Shot Bosses Said Workers Will Be Back In The Office After Labor Day (Or Else) — But Did They Succeed? Not Exactly.

The post-Labor Day return-to-office push promised a shift back to familiar routines. Yet, as we delve into the data and dynamics, it becomes clear: the modern workforce's aspirations and the office's role have transformed more than we imagined.

Business News

Amazon Used a 'Secret Algorithm' to Inflate Prices by Over $1 Billion, FTC Says

The complaint claims Amazon employed the "Project Nessie" algorithm to manipulate competitors.

Business News

As Shutterstock earnings push on, can the stock reach $80?

Shutterstock shares are declining by 7.5% after rallying as much as 22.0% the day prior, as you will find out soon, the decline is completely unjustified


How Was Amazon's Pre-Holiday Prime Day? Here's What We Can Learn From the Sales Event

Amazon's fall sales event, Prime Big Deal Days, proved useful in boosting sales during a stagnant early quarter.


The Best Holiday Marketing Strategy for Amazon Sellers

Skyrocket holiday sales with this simple, proven holiday marketing strategy for Amazon sellers of all budgets to break through the noise.

Thought Leaders

Why Amazon, Zara, and H&M Are Losing Customer Loyalty and Paying a Very Costly Price

Why risk obliterating customer trust for a few dollars? That's the high-stakes gamble that's plaguing the business landscape as companies increasingly implement return fees.


Amazon autoriza a sus gerentes despedir a quienes no trabajen de manera presencial al menos tres días a la semana

Esta medida ha generado descontento entre los empleados, principalmente entre aquellos que comenzaron a trabajar en la empresa de manera remota.

Business News

Amazon Managers Can Now Fire Employees Who Refuse to Work From the Office 3 Days a Week

It's the latest update of the company's return-to-office policy.