Amazon: Page 9

Business News

Amazon Employees Are Fighting on Slack About Returning to the Office

Amazon announced in mid-February it would ask its employees to come back to the office at least three days a week.

News and Trends

Amazon To Join ONDC With Logistics And SmartCommerce

According to an official statement, this will be Amazon's initial collaboration with ONDC as they continue to explore other potential opportunities for stronger integration between the two in future

Business News

Amazon Continues Its Push Into Healthcare With $3.9 Billion Move

One Medical is going into the Amazon bucket.


Según un estudio, los fundadores de startups más exitosos tienen esta edad (y no, no están en sus 20's)

A pesar del éxito de emprendedores como Bill Gates y Steve Jobs, que tenían poco más de 20 años cuando fundaron empresas ahora tremendamente exitosas, la investigación indica que sus historias son una excepción, no la norma.

Business News

The Most Successful Startup Founders Are This Age, Study Finds (And No, It's Not Early 20s)

Despite the success of entrepreneurs like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, who were both in their early 20s when they started now wildly successful companies, research finds that those stories are the exception, not the norm.

Business News

Amazon CEO Andy Jassy's Pep Talk to Employees Revealed in Leaked Audio: 'We Will Be Misunderstood and We Will Be Underrated'

In leaked audio, the CEO of Amazon attempted to redirect focus and priorities in a message to employees after laying off thousands.

Business News

Amazon Takes 50% Cut From Each Seller Sale On Average, New Study Says

As demand has slowed in the e-commerce marketplace, sellers are getting squeezed.


Amazon, Apple y Google se comprometen a enviar ayuda a Turquía tras el terremoto

Además, el CEO de la compañía de yogur Chobani dijo que donará $1 millón de dólares a la Turkish Philanthropy Funds.

Business News

Tech Giants Amazon, Apple, and Google Are Pledging to Help with Disaster Relief in Turkey After Earthquake

Plus, the CEO of yogurt company Chobani said he was donating $1 million to Turkish Philanthropy Funds.

Business News

Jeff Bezos' Girlfriend, Lauren Sánchez, Is Going to Space With Blue Origin

Sánchez, a former journalist who collaborates with him on philanthropy, is bringing a girl gang to space.

Business News

Amazon Launches $5 A Month Prescription Delivery For 60 Generic Drugs For Prime Members

The program includes medications like Escitalopram, generic Lexapro, and Amoxicillin, an antibiotic.

Business News

'Amazon Got Greedy': Nonprofits, Experts Slam Amazon For Discontinuing Charity Program AmazonSmile

Amazon announced late Wednesday it was discontinuing AmazonSmile, which allowed consumers to shop while automatically donating to a charity of their choice.

Business News

'Important Information About Your Role': Amazon Delivers News of Layoffs via Email

Some impacted employees lost access to work computers shortly after receiving the news.

Business News

Microsoft Is Planning to Lay Off 10,000 Workers, According to Several Reports

The layoffs could affect as much as 5% of the workforce.

Growing a Business

This Founder Launched an Ecommerce Company After a Frustrating College Experience. Now, Its Shipping Times Rival Amazon Prime's — and It's Dominating This Key Area Jeff Bezos Never Did.

When Alex Zhou moved from China to the U.S. to attend Kansas State University in 2007, he couldn't find his favorite foods from home — and it inspired him to start online Asian marketplace Yami.