Bill Gates: Page 3

Business News

'Will All Americans Become Vegetarians?' Bill Gates Weighs In on Method for Fighting Climate Change

The co-founder of Microsoft and billionaire philanthropist said at a speech in early March that he wants to prioritize other methods for fighting climate change.

Business News

Bill Gates Can Now Add 'Grandpa' to His Resume

The Microsoft founder's eldest daughter, Jennifer Gates, recently welcomed her first child, which makes the billionaire a grandpa for the first time.

News and Trends

India Will Be the Cheapest 5G Market, Says Bill Gates

Two years ago, the tech pioneer Bill Gates had reportedly applauded India for its policies on financial inclusion and innovation

News and Trends

India Gives Hope For Future, Bill Gates Meets RBI Governor

Bill Gates is currently on a trip to India to witness the progress made in various areas including climate change

Buying / Investing in Business

Bill Gates Bought a $940 Million Stake in Heineken Even Though He's 'Not a Big Beer Drinker.'

The purchase gives him ownership of 3.76% of the company's shares.


Según un estudio, los fundadores de startups más exitosos tienen esta edad (y no, no están en sus 20's)

A pesar del éxito de emprendedores como Bill Gates y Steve Jobs, que tenían poco más de 20 años cuando fundaron empresas ahora tremendamente exitosas, la investigación indica que sus historias son una excepción, no la norma.

Business News

The Most Successful Startup Founders Are This Age, Study Finds (And No, It's Not Early 20s)

Despite the success of entrepreneurs like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, who were both in their early 20s when they started now wildly successful companies, research finds that those stories are the exception, not the norm.

Business News

Bill Gates Vehemently Defends Private Jet Usage: 'Should I Stay at Home?'

The billionaire spoke about climate change and travel methods during an interview last week with the BBC.


Reportes indican que Bill Gates está saliendo con Paula Hurd, viuda del ex CEO de Oracle

Según una fuente reportada por People la relación es "ampliamente conocida" entre su círculo íntimo.

Business News

Bill Gates Is Reportedly Dating Paula Hurd, Widow of Ex-Oracle CEO

The relationship is reportedly "widely known" among their inner circle, according to a source reported by People.


'No vayas a Marte': Bill Gates nubla los planes de Elon Musk de gastar dinero en sus misiones a Marte

Los dos multimillonarios están en disputa desde que Musk acusó a Gates de vender en corto las acciones de Tesla la primavera pasada.

Business News

'Don't Go to Mars': Bill Gates Shades Elon Musk's Plans to Spend Money on Mars Missions

The two billionaires have had a longstanding feud after Musk accused Gates of shorting Tesla stocks last spring.

Growing a Business

What Bill Gates and Steve Jobs Taught Me About Getting to Know Your Customers

Despite the push toward chatbots and technology-driven customer service, nothing can replace determining what your customers want through personal social interaction.

Business News

'You're Going Way Back In Time': Bill Gates Gets Visibly Irritated When Pressed on Epstein

The billionaire sat down for an interview with ABC 7.30 in Australia where he was asked about his former dealings with the disgraced financier.


Microsoft invierte $10,000 millones de dólares en OpenAI para construir "una supercomputadora de inteligencia artificial"

Ambas organizaciones trabajan juntas para desarrollar nuevas herramientas que transformarán nuestra manera de trabajar.