Bill Gates: Page 9


Forget Warren Buffett and Bill Gates -- Your Dream Business Mentor Is Already on Your Speed Dial.

Finding the right coach isn't easy. But this principle can make all the difference.


How Bill Gates Learned to Be an Empathetic Leader

The awkward tech leaders of yesteryear no longer cut it -- founders must find ways to strengthen their interpersonal skills if they want to thrive.

Social Media

According to His Tweets, Bill Gates Is Way More Stressed Out Than Elon Musk (Infographic)

Researchers are using an academic tool to analyze how taxing 2020 has been for these business leaders.


Did Bill Gates Really Offer a TV Interviewer a Blank Check?

Some claim he did, but that's not what's really important.

Business News

Here's What You Need to Know About the Bitcoin Scam That Hacked the Twitter Accounts of Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Bill Gates and Others

The social media platform's value took a big hit after a massive breach affecting celebrities, politicians and tech leaders.

Business News

Bill Gates Warns That a Coronavirus-like Outbreak Will Probably Happen 'Every 20 Years or So'

Billionaire Bill Gates has been warning about the risk of a pandemic disease for years, stating that a global health crisis like coronavirus could wipe out 30 million people in less than a year.

Business News

9 Billionaires Who Are Stepping Up During the Pandemic

These nine billionaires are proving its possible to do well and do good at the same time.


10 Popular Myths About Leadership and How to Overcome Them

Leadership is bestowed on whoever is willing to make decisions and take responsibility for the consequences.

News and Trends

Bill Gates Steps Down From Microsoft Board To Focus on Philanthropy

Gates transitioned out of being involved with the company's day-to-day operations in 2008 to focus on the Bill and Melinda Foundation and served as chairman of the board till 2014.

Business News

Coronavirus Home Testing Kits Are Coming to Seattle

The Gates Foundation is backing the safer medical testing tech.

Business News

Bill Gates Played Secret Santa for a Lucky Person on the Internet -- Here's Everything She Got in Her 81-Pound Package

A Michigan woman named Shelby received an 81-pound secret Santa package from the billionaire Bill Gates.

Money & Finance

Making $1 Million: Here's How Long It Took the World's Super-Rich (Infographic)

This is the average age Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk and the rest of the world's wealthiest earned their first million.


The 5-Hour Rule Used by Bill Gates, Jack Ma and Elon Musk

The most successful people on the planet are also the people most likely to devote an hour a day to reading and learning.

Business News

What 13 Highly Successful People Like Warren Buffett and Donald Trump Read Every Morning

If you're successful, you probably know you are what you read.

Thought Leaders

How You Hold Yourself Back From Reaching Your Goals

Success is more step-by-step than most people realize.