Chipotle: Page 2

Business News

Free On-Demand Webinar: How Chipotle Connects Corporate Growth with Social Responsibility

Chipotle Chairman/CEO Brian Niccol Shares Valuable Lessons from his Storied Career with the World's Biggest Brands

Business News

Chipotle Cooks Up Impressive Earnings

The burrito powerhouse has made a habit of consistently beating Wall Street analysts' expectations.

Business News

Why Chipotle Shares Will Continue To Move Higher

The once-beleaguered chain's stock price is at an all-time high.

Thought Leaders

Treasury Bond Prices Jump While Stock Prices Fall

Chipotle shares bounce back from losses last week.

Thought Leaders

Chipotle Shoots for the Stars, Hires Oscar Winner to Produce Ad

The burrito chain the had biggest gains on the Entrepreneur Index™ today.

Business News

Chipotle Is Opening Dozens of Locations With Drive-Thru-Style 'Chipotlanes'

The lanes allow customers to pick up mobile orders without getting out of their cars.

Business News

Ikea Is Getting Into Self-Driving Cars

Plus, Chipotle launches a mentoring program and J. Crew sets up shop on Amazon.

Business News

How Amazon, Chipotle and Macy's Have Potentially Lost Millions on Website Crashes

Is your website ready for an influx of traffic?

Franchise 500 Annual Ranking

Chipotle Isn't Franchising … Yet. Here's What You Can Do in the Meantime.

If you like the idea of franchising a Chipotle, we have some good news and some bad news.

Business News

Apple and Lyft Announce Green Initiatives

What are you doing to promote sustainability with your business?

Side Hustle

Your Side Hustle Can Become a Million-Dollar Business. These 5 Examples Prove It.

Under Armour evolved from its founder's wish for a moisture-wicking t-shirt. What's your pain point and future million-dollar idea?


The 16 Most Shocking Moments of 2016

Bye-bye 2016 -- can't say we'll miss you.