Chipotle: Page 3

Business News

Chipotle Founder Ells Takes Over as Sole CEO at Burrito Chain

Co-CEO Monty Moran stepped down on Monday amid intense pressure to turn around the burrito chain.


Customers Sue Chipotle Over '300-Calorie' Burrito That Was Too Good to Be True

Turns out burritos with pork sausage, cheese and rice aren't diet foods.

Business News

People Are Saying Chipotle's New Burger Joint Is a Rip-Off of In-N-Out and Five Guys

Chipotle opened the first Tasty Made location opened in Lancaster, Ohio, last week, and there's a lot at stake.

Business News

Chipotle Investors Propose Ousting Founder as Chairman

By stripping board leadership from Ells, who is also co-chief executive, investors would like to institute an independent chair.


After A Failure, What Makes Customers 'Trust' Again? And Can Chipotle Pull It Off?

When you construct a safety policy, first and foremost, make it personal.


Chipotle's Rewards Program Is so Flawed They Don't Know Who Is Eating Their Free Burritos

You can't just throw free burritos at the problem, Chipotle. The reactive marketing plan is too little, too late.


With its New Ad, Chipotle Wants to Make You Forget Its Troubles and Fall in Love Again

The embattled restaurant chain put out a charming advertisement amidst legal trouble for a top exec.

Growing a Business

Chipotle's Loyalty Program Is Broken and Here's Why

Customer loyalty programs for brick-and-mortar businesses offer a great quid pro quo: crucial customer information.

Social Media

A Man Is Eating Chipotle for 366 Days Straight -- Start Up Your Day Roundup

Plus: Amazon is cracking down on fake reviews.

Business News

Chipotle Hires Former Critic to Help Improve Food Safety

David Acheson, a former official at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, was brought on as an adviser.

Business News

Chipotle's E. coli Outbreak Brings Company Down to Earth

The fast-casual restaurant chain is now using more widely-accepted marketing methods.


Have You Heard of America's Best Rated Tex-Mex Restaurant?

According to this survey, it's not what you'd expect it to be.

Business News

Chipotle's CEOs Take Massive Paycut Due to E. Coli Crisis

They still received nearly $14 million each.

Business News

Chipotle Is Spending an Astronomical Amount of Money on Free Burritos

The burrito eatery's executives said Wednesday that the free food offers have been helping to drive traffic in the wake of two E. coli outbreaks that have sent the chain's sales plunging.